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GDPR Student Privacy Notice

Purpose of this Notice

PG电子官方免费下载致力于保护申请人的个人隐私 admission to the College. 本公告说明我们将如何收集、使用及披露资料 your personal data. 当您向我们提交您的申请,或以其他方式提供给我们 在您申请入学时,或使用我们的网站等提供的信息 服务,您同意我们的收集,使用和披露该信息作为 described in this Privacy Notice.

Throughout this Notice, “College” "we", "our" and "us" refers to Snow College, "you" and “your” refers to those expressing an interest in becoming a student at the College (both prior to and at formal application stage), together with those who later become a registered student at the College.


European Union GDPR

Snow College是您提供的个人数据的数据控制器和处理器. 本公告旨在遵守欧盟GDPR的要求 controllers and processors.

Anything you are not clear about

If there is anything you are unclear about, please contact our Data Privacy Officer, 谁将乐意回答你对本通知或有关的任何疑问 我们处理您个人资料的方式.



‘Personal data’ means any information which relates to or identifies you as an individual 包括你的姓名、地址、电话号码、教育程度等询问信息 for on the admissions application. 所要求的个人资料不包含“特别” “数据类别”,如GDPR所述. Such “special categories of data" 将包括你的种族或民族出身,宗教信仰或 其他哲学信仰,身体或心理健康. If you become a student at 在PG电子官方免费下载,你可能会被要求提供特殊类别的数据,但你可以在 ,如阁下欲与学院分享敏感个人资料.


  • 当您申请入学或注册成为我们的学生时;
  • from third party sources. 当我们从第三方获取您的个人资料时 sources, we will look to ensure that the third party has lawful authority to provide us with your personal data.

The provision of personal data is necessary to apply for admission to and attend Snow College. 如未能提供上述资料,你的申请将不获考虑 或者阻止你进入PG电子官方免费下载.

处理的个人资料类别,以及我们处理您的个人资料的目的 个人数据及其处理和内部共享的法律依据

Snow College will process the personal information provided on your application and the other information referred to herein for the purposes of identifying you, processing 你的申请,核实所提供的信息,决定是否提供给你 承认,并传达结果. 如果你被录取了,并且决定去上学,我们 process your personal data for the administration of your position as a student with us. 我们可能在内部使用和分享您的信息和敏感信息 其他大学办公室和单位支持你作为一个学生的成功. We will also share your Information with other University offices to deliver education, advising, 住宿,运动,学生发展,经济援助,如果你 你是这个大学的学生吗. 我们也可以去识别你的敏感信息 用于研究或统计目的的信息.

We set out in Table 1 of this Notice in more detail the categories of personal data processed and the purposes 为此,我们将处理您的个人数据.



Consent. 如果我们得到您的同意,我们可能会使用并向第三方披露您的信息 to do so.

Parents and Guardians. 在某些情况下,如有必要,我们可能会与家长或监护人分享您的信息 为了正确地完成录取过程,请在允许的情况下报告某些信息 或者在紧急情况下.

Service Providers. 我们可能会使用第三方来支持我们的运营. In such cases, we may share your 敏感信息和信息与第三方谁有义务 防止未经授权的披露.

College Counselors and Administrators. We may use your Information and share it with your school counselors and administrators.

College Affiliated Programs. We may share your Information with third parties that are affiliated with the University 与您联系有关商品、服务或体验的目的 of interest to you.

Research and Studies. We may share your Information with third parties that study admissions or other topics related to higher education. 我们也可能与第三方分享您的信息 that conduct research or develop products or services designed to improve admissions and other higher education functions.

Other Higher Education Organizations. 我们可能会与其他高等教育机构分享您的信息,以便 to assist with transfers and tracking.

Required by Law. 我们可能会根据需要与第三方共享您的信息 是通过法律、法院命令还是传票. 对于国际申请者,我们 是否可以与美国政府或相关机构分享您的信息 包括作为你的签证担保人.

Emergency Circumstances. We may share your Information with third parties if, in our sole judgment, such disclosure 是否有必要保护任何人的健康、安全或财产.

去识别和聚合信息. 我们可能会收集、使用和披露有关的敏感信息或其他信息 我们的申请人以去识别或汇总形式,但不限于此.


我们也有一些额外的通知,指导方针和政策,进一步有用 PG电子游戏处理您个人数据的方式的信息:

Unwanted communication

我们将不时通过电子邮件、短信、信件或电话与您沟通. If, 在任何阶段,您都关心这些通信的内容.g. unwanted marketing information, or wish to change the method of communication that we use please 取消订阅一般的电子邮件通讯.

If you are unsuccessful in unsubscribing from our communications and/or remain concerned, 请联络我们的资料保护主任.

Retention periods

We store your personal information for as long as necessary to complete the application process. 如果你成功了,你的信息将作为你学生的一部分被保留 record for the duration of your studies and permanently with regard to grades, degrees, 证明你在PG电子官方免费下载学习的证书和其他信息. If you are unsuccessful, your information will be normally kept for at least one year after the completion of the application process.

Your rights as a data subject

我们认为列出你在GDPR下的权利会有所帮助. You have the right to:

  • 撤回同意,如果这是我们处理的法律依据;
  • 访问和/或复制我们处理的您的个人数据;
  • 纠正我们持有的有关您的个人资料中的不准确之处;
  • be forgotten in certain circumstances, that is your details to be removed from systems 我们用来处理您的个人数据;
  • 以某些方式限制处理;
  • obtain a copy of your data in a commonly used electronic form; and
  • 反对我们对您的个人资料进行某些处理.

Please see 浏览有关上述权利及如何行使这些权利的进一步资料. You may also 如需进一步资料,请联络资料保障主任.

Updates to this Notice

我们可随时更新或更改本通知. 您继续使用学院的服务 或在任何此类更改后注册表示您接受此类更改.


(Article 6(1)(a)), Consent – on specific occasions the College will only process certain data if you consent e.g. 在注册时,您只需要提供某些“特殊” 数据分类,如果你同意的话.

(Article 6 (1)(b)), necessary for the performance of your student contract – on many 在某些情况下,学院将处理您的数据,使其能够履行其承诺 to you e.g. 与接纳、教学及评估有关的事项.

(第6 (1)(c)条),必须遵守法律义务-学院做到了 是否有法律义务向他人提供你的个人资料.g. the United States 如果您是国际学生,请向政府申请.

(第6 (1)(d)条),以保护自己或他人的切身利益 another – sometimes in extreme circumstances the College will have to release information 为了保护你的利益或他人的利益.g. in medical emergencies.

(第6 (1)(e)条),执行任务所必需的处理 公众利益-书院是一所教育机构,尤其 其教育活动是为了公众利益(包括你的利益)而进行的 and the interest of others). E.g. 您的个人信息可能会泄露给他人 如果你违反了学生行为准则.

(Article 6 (1)(f)), processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interest 或受资料当事人优先权益规管的第三方 – the College (and sometimes third parties) has a broad legitimate interest in activities 这些都与学生的活动和教育有关. Subject to those interests not being overridden by the interests of fundamental rights and freedoms of students, it will pursue those interests. 在使用第6(1)(f)条时,“合法利益” is generally the interest of the College (or third party) in providing or supporting 为学生提供高等教育.

(Article 22(2)(a)), automated decision making necessary for performance of a contract – the College will sometimes automate decisions relating to its services it is providing to you.

(Article 9(1)(a)), processing “special categories” of data where you have given consent – the College will process certain sensitive information about you with your consent, e.g. to provide a reasonable accommodation.

(Article 9(1)(g)), processing “special categories” of data where necessary for reasons of substantial public interest.

(第9(1)(f)条),处理与法律有关的“特殊类别”数据 claims.

大家认识到,上述一些理由将重叠,学院 是否可以依靠多种理由来证明其合法处理. The College also 保留依据此处未提及的其他理由的权利.

Concerns and contact details

If you have any concerns with regard to the way your personal data is being processed or have a query with regard to this Notice, please contact our Data Privacy Officer, Paul Tew at (435) 283-7290 or ude.wons@wet.luap

我们的邮政地址是150 College Ave E, Ephraim, UT 84627.


No. Specific Purposes 法律依据-参考GDPR第6条,除非另有相反说明
1. 录取、注册和管理课程. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
2. Academic assessment and progression. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
3. Administration of student related policies and procedures including appeals, complaints, grievances, disciplinary matters, and matters relating to health and conduct and to cheating and plagiarism (1)(b) or (1)(f)
4. 社会和体育活动的追求.g. 有关使用学院体育设施的事宜 facilities. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
5. 提供书院住宿及其他支援服务,例如 图书馆、无障碍服务或经济援助. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
6. 颁发奖项(包括通过学院网站公布奖项) site). (1)(b) or (1)(f)
7. 处理和收回帐款和费用. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
8. Research and statistical analysis. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
9. 为第三方政府机构制作统计申报表.g. visa compliance information. (1)(c) or (1)(e) or (1)(f)
10. 创建电子邮件地址,供学院内外使用. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
11. 直接沟通或关于(i)学生福利和机会提供的 or through the College and (ii) College activities and events organized for students. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
12. Host mailing of services or career opportunities of direct relevance to student interests. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
13. 学生受雇于学院的劳动合同管理. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
14. Administration of Alumni membership. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
15. Consideration and granting of prizes, scholarships and awards: of discretionary funding available to students; and of other such awards. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
16. 有关个人及其财产的安全及保护 学院资产包括闭路电视的使用. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
17. The production of student identification cards; and the inclusion of photographic 在学院的计算机学生档案系统上的图像. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
18. The operation of a lecture capture facility relating to the recording of educational activities e.g. lectures, by the College. (1)(b) or (1)(e) or (1)(f)
19. To the police or other regulatory body where pursuant to the investigation or disclosure of a potential crime. (1)(f)
20. 在发生紧急情况时,联络家人及紧急服务.g. illness, serious injury or bereavement. (1)(f)
21. 其他教育机构参与学生的课程交付 study, e.g. 附属院校、交流机构,包括校外交流机构 the United States, institutions to which a student transfers or continues their education. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
22. To professional bodies where registration with that body is related to or a requirement of the student’s studies. (1)(b) or (1)(e) or (1)(f)
23. To any third party accessing the College’s e-mail directory of student e-mail addresses or other FERPA Directory Information. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
24. 就偿还学生债务事宜,向学院的外间代理人提供资料. (1)(f)
25. 发给数据处理人员,以便他们代表学院处理数据 any of the purposes for which the College is permitted to process the data, including 学院提供的学术及其他服务. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
26. 关于为学生或以前的学生提供推荐信. (1)(f)
27. 给予资助学生奖学金及奖项的外部团体及个人. (1)(b) or (1)(f)
28. To the College’s external lawyers, insurers in respect of accidents occurring within the institution and external auditors.  
28. "Sensitive personal data” or “special categories of data” for the assessment and provision 为残疾学生提供的服务和住宿. Article 9(1)(a)